Found 3 blog entries tagged as Banks.

Brace For Even Higher Rates When The Bank of Canada Does Start Raising

Interest rates expected to climb above the previous peak for the first time in decades amid robust recovery

TORONTO — With fiscal spending booming and households flush with cash, investors are betting that the Bank of Canada’s next tightening cycle, expected to begin in 2022, will result in interest rates climbing above the previous peak for the first time in decades.

In four major tightening cycles since the early 1990s, the Bank of Canada’s key interest rate has peaked at a level that was lower than the preceding endpoint.

But that could change in the next cycle, as historic levels of government spending globally raise prospects of an economic recovery from the COVID-19…

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Credit: Secrets to Unlock the Bank's Vault


As an agent, I have helped MANY clients purchase their first home, and have learned what the banks want. If you think you have ANY issues getting approved to purchase your next home, watching this credit video (and my other videos) will help tremendously towards your future purchase. When your normal banks won't grant you credit, I suggest:

  1. A SECURED card:  or 
  2. After this, I suggest cards from a variety of retailers. Retailers are keen to help you shop in THEIR stores; store specific cards are generally easier to get than "main stream" cards. Many retailers offer co-branded…

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CHIP Open Is A Mortgage Designed Specifically For Clients With Short-Term Financing Needs.


I am able to offer your buyers a CHIP Open – a flexible Mortgage solution. CHIP Open will provide Canadians 55+ with a short-term Mortgage giving them flexibility to repay 100% of the balance at any time, without prepayment penalties.

What is CHIP Open?
CHIP Open is a Mortgage designed specifically for clients with short-term financing needs, such as bridge financing, or completing a large renovation in preparation to sell, and it offers the ability to repay in full without penalty. CHIP Open allows your clients to access up to 55% of the equity in their home in tax-free funds, and they are never required to make a payment until they decide to repay the…

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