Found 4 blog entries tagged as Chestermere.

Chelsea, Chestermere

Wouldn't it be great if someone compiled all of needed, required, information on a new community, so you could easily consider if that area is right for you? Well, here is the video for Chelsea's, one of Chestermere new communities. You'll learn the builders.  What they are building (townhomes, duplexes, laned, double front garage).  And the prices.

The next video will answer if schools are planned. The parks.  Transit.  And shopping. And more .

Click here to open up on YouTube:

Here is the video for Chestermere transit: YouTube

Link to Chelsea's Landing Area Structure Plan (the planning document for the area):…

2444 Views, 0 Comments

.Dawson's Landing

Wouldn't it be great if someone compiled all of needed, required, information on a new community, so you could easily consider if that area is right for you? Well, here is the video for Dawson's Landing, one of Chestermere new communities. We'll review what is being built, who is building, are school planned, the parks, shopping, transit and more 

Click here to open up on YouTube:

Here is the video for Chestermere transit: YouTube

Link to Dawson's Landing Area Structure Plan (the planning document for the area):

507 Views, 0 Comments

With 188 Aspenmere Circle, Chestermere hitting the Real Estate Market yesterday, it is time to answer the age old question: Why Live In Westmere, Chestermere?


Chestermere, originally named Chestermere Lake, is a city within Rocky View County, Alberta Canada.  By 1992, the population of Chestermere had increased to 1,043 permanent residents. On March 1, 1993, The Village of Chestermere Lake officially changed its status and name to the Town of Chestermere. The town continued developing amenities and services for its residents and its population grew to 17,203 residents in 2014. In late 2014, town council voted in favour of pursuing city status, which became effective January 1, 2015. As of 2017, the population for the City of Chestermere…

274 Views, 0 Comments

Exterior Home Maintenance

We understand keeping the exterior of your home maintained can be extremely time-consuming and overwhelming. However, managing your outdoor property is crucial in preserving the structure and longevity of your home.

Beautiful Landscape

1. Vegetation.
Trees, bushes and other plants can cause damage to your home’s siding and roof. Branches can scrape against your home, causing cracks and damage that can lead to unwelcome pests. Neglected vegetation can also trap moisture along the foundation of your home, leading to mold and mildew.

2. External Faucets.
To prevent freezing, be sure to winterize all external faucets during the coldest months of the year. Disconnect hoses, turn off the water supply and…

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