Found 6 blog entries tagged as covid.

What exactly is a seller's market? It is simply when the number of available properties for sale is drastically lower than the number of buyers looking for a home. As you can imagine, this situation can lead to buyers fighting over one particular property and ultimately driving up the prices.

Like me, you may be wondering what is causing the seller's market this spring. Below are some of my musings and it mostly has to do with more buyer's in the market!

  • The spring in general always brings out more buyers
  • You may remember putting off your fence or deck project last summer due to the seemingly insane price of lumber at your local building centre. Builders were also feeling the squeeze and the number of new housing starts last spring reduced…

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Happiness is banking with ATB.

ATB Economics | March 10, 2021

Policy Interest Rate Stays Put: Bank of Canada


The Bank of Canada announced* this morning it is keeping its trendsetting policy interest at 0.25 per cent.

The Bank also announced its quantitative easing program will continue at its current pace of at least $4 billion per week.

Despite signs of economic recovery, the Bank’s “Governing Council judges that the recovery continues to require extraordinary monetary policy support.”

Today’s announcement maintains the stance taken by the Bank in…

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Happiness is banking with ATB.

The Top Economic Stories of 2020 Part 5 of 5


After a sluggish 2019, it was hoped that Alberta’s economy would pick up steam in 2020.

Then COVID happened.

The negative economic effects of the pandemic were initially underestimated. COVID-19 was seen by many as a short-term disruption that would be over almost as soon as it began. If only.

Once it was clear the pandemic would be with us for some time, the negative economic effects were overestimated with talk of another Great Depression making headlines.

The economic…

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 Clients have asked me if I've seen an uptick in people wanting to move to rural, small town Alberta. It might make sense for some people, either as they've realized they might not NEEDED at their desk, are worried about Covid, want a slower pace of life, or simply the savings that come with leaving the big city.

 I explore the various options, how I'd choose which towns to live in, and what you could get buy for a LOT less than your current home is likely worth.

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ATB Economics | June 11, 2020

COVID Cancels Most Cross-Border Road Trips


Official efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19 combined with voluntary changes in behaviour have essentially halted recreational travel between Canada and the United States.

On March 18, Canada and the U.S. agreed to close the border to all non-essential discretionary travel as of March 21. Commercial traffic (including for work or study) was still allowed as well as the movement of essential workers. The agreement is set to expire on June 21, but it may be extended.

New Statistics Canada data* on the number of U.S. and…

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This post is time sensitive, with implications for your mortgage, cashflow, and credit for April - Sept 2020, all due to Covid-19.

 I am not a medical professional.  I know NOTHING about health.  There are hundreds of news stories out there about Covid-19.  Many more about government actions.  About social distancing.  This is NOT one of those posts.  It should also be noted, that as with everything Covid, the situation is fluid and changing.

 The federal government announced the Covid-19 Mortgage Payment Deferral Program.  Essentially freeing up extra cash flow for mortgage holders NOW, in the middle of the outbreak.  The best page directly from the government describing the program…

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