Found 12 blog entries tagged as Covid-19.

Happiness is banking with ATB.

The Top Economic Stories of 2020 Part 5 of 5


After a sluggish 2019, it was hoped that Alberta’s economy would pick up steam in 2020.

Then COVID happened.

The negative economic effects of the pandemic were initially underestimated. COVID-19 was seen by many as a short-term disruption that would be over almost as soon as it began. If only.

Once it was clear the pandemic would be with us for some time, the negative economic effects were overestimated with talk of another Great Depression making headlines.

The economic…

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Housing Starts in Alberta Alive But Not Exactly Kicking - ATB Financial

ATB Economics | August 13, 2020


Home building activity in Alberta picked up in July, but remains relatively low.

The number of seasonally adjusted housing starts in June fell to their lowest level since October 1991, but rebounded by 52 per cent in July.

Unfortunately, starts in the province were still down by 22 per cent compared to July 2019 and by 12 per cent over the first seven months of 2020 versus the same period last year.

The situation is markedly different in central Canada.

Despite falling to zero in April in the face of public health measures,…

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ATB Economics | June 5, 2020

Unemployment Rate Hits Record High In May


Now that the Alberta economy has started to reopen, the big question is not how bad did things get when it was closed, but how quickly will it recover.

This is certainly the case when it comes to jobs. We know lots of jobs disappeared while the economy was in lockdown, but what we really want to know is when employment will get back to pre-pandemic levels.

Because today’s results from the Labour Force Survey capture the state of the job market just before the reopening of the Alberta economy began in mid-May, we will have to…

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ATB Economics

May 8, 2020

April job numbers show impact of

It’s not a surprise, but it still hurts to see the spike in unemployment and the reduction in total hours worked by those still employed brought on by the effort to contain COVID-19.


Alberta’s unemployment rate rose from an already high 8.7 per cent in March to 13.4 per cent in April. It has not been this high since the current data series began in 1976. For comparison, the average rate over the last 24 months was 7.2 per cent.


The unemployment rate is, however, only part of the…

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I take you and your family's safety very seriously. Out of an abundance of caution my office, MaxWell Polaris, has prepared the following list of suggestions and precautions that we can take while we market your home for sale given the evolving situation with COVID-19. 

  1. When preparing for showings, open all doors within the home and leave lights on.

  2. Consider providing hand sanitizer at the entrance of your home. 

  3. We encourage you to not be home, this helps buyers feel more comfortable. 

  4. Come in and look around but kindly refrain from using bathrooms 

  5. Leave the lights on. Remember that I can take great photos and virtual tours are a fantastic way for a Buyer to tour your home from the comfort of theirs.

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