Found 2 blog entries tagged as first time buyer.

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Credit: Secrets to Unlock the Bank's Vault


As an agent, I have helped MANY clients purchase their first home, and have learned what the banks want. If you think you have ANY issues getting approved to purchase your next home, watching this credit video (and my other videos) will help tremendously towards your future purchase. When your normal banks won't grant you credit, I suggest:

  1. A SECURED card:  or 
  2. After this, I suggest cards from a variety of retailers. Retailers are keen to help you shop in THEIR stores; store specific cards are generally easier to get than "main stream" cards. Many retailers offer co-branded…

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Image result for house piggy bank

When looking at purchasing a home, one thing that many people are concerned about is the ability to put a down payment on the property. A 20% down payment of the purchase price of the home is typically required. If a 20% down payment is not doable, then a 5% option is available. However, you are then required to have mortgage insurance through CMHC to be able to qualify for the mortgage.

Regardless if it is a 5% or 20% down payment, the government of Canada allows home buyers to use their RRSPs to purchase a home without a penalty for withdrawing the RRSPs This is called Home Buyer’s Plan or HBP.

However, before you withdraw anything, the following conditions must be met:

1)     The maximum amount you can withdraw from your RRSPs per year is…

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